All Micro pigmentation/Permanent Makeup services include one free follow up/touch up appointment  to be scheduled within 8 weeks of the initial appointment . Periodic touch up services are recommended for the maintenance of your Micro pigmentation every 1-3 years. Touch up is a single appointment and does not include a free follow up. 



Microblading                        $550

Ombre/Powder                    $600

Nano Brows                          $650

Periodic Touch up                $150 and up


Lip Blush Tattoo                   $650

Periodic Touch up                $200 and up


Lash line Tattoo

Upper and lower lash line    $550

Upper or Lower lash line      $400

Periodic Touch up                 $150 and up


Saline Lightening/Removal

One treatment                           $150 

Two treatments                         $275

Three treatments                       $390